Family of Four

Family of Four

Saturday, December 1, 2012

24 Weeks: Look ... A Bump!

It's finally here! The baby bump that is. It's been slowly making an appearance for the past few weeks, but there is no denying it now. While many of my clothes stopped fitting, making it very difficult to get dressed these days, I couldn't be happier. Now it's pretty apparent that I am pregnant so my self conscious thoughts of, "does everyone just think I am a little chunky?" can be subsided. There is no mistaking it now. Well at least not to me.

For those of you who do not know, we have had roommates non stop since graduating college. Yes, even after getting married. Don't get me wrong, we had some fabulous roommates along the way, but the more times I come home to my house the way I left it in the morning, the happier I get. I admittedly slacked majorly on the cleaning responsibilities around the house because it would just get so frustrating to clean a room and the very next day it is a mess again - I gave up very quickly. But now, when I clean a room I know it is more than likely going to stay that way (with the occasional poke in the side to my loving husband). My downstairs has never been more consistently cleaner than it is now and it makes me so happy. To add to this happiness, husband is finishing painting the living room, family room, entry way and upstairs hallway this weekend. My house is finally becoming a home and just in time for our next (permanent) roommates arrival at the end of March. 

On a side note, I pretty much have at least one day off of work a week for the rest of the year and this girl plans to do some major purging, organizing and decorating during those quite days home all by myself. If any of my stay-at-home mommy friends wants to drag me out to the real world for a breakfast or lunch date text. Plus, I could use some help figuring out how the heck to decorate these newly painted and organized rooms! There is so much to this grown up stuff ... heehee. 

Pictures of my shiny, newly painted rooms to come. yay! But for now, here's the weekly update. I did have my last bi-weekly ultrasound, but (how is this for lazy) the photos are downstairs and I haven't snapped digitals of them just yet, so we will postpone until next week or a follow-up post.

How far along? 24 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Both, but bottoms are much trickier these days. Yes, those maternity jeans and I absolutely love them!
Stretch marks? Zip, Zilch, Nada - fingers crossed!
Sleep: I was so exhausted all week that sleep wasn't a problem. I do still have my mid-night potty breaks (thanks to all the bladder kicks from our baby girl) but I pretty much fell right back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Finally being able to show off an unmistakable baby bump! I hated being so self conscious all the time. Hopefully now that I have stopped stepping on the scale every other day and people can tell that it is a baby, I will be able to enjoy the expanding waistline rather than dreading it ... Also, getting our house in order. Nothing makes me happier than walking into a clean room!
Miss Anything? Spray tanning, teeth whitening, being able to fit into some of my favorite pants. Nothing too serious ;)
Movement: She's a mover and shaker. Seriously, it's a shock when I don't feel her moving around these days. It's so fun feeling her kick and stretch and she even had the hiccups this week. So fun!
Food cravings: Fresh fruit, cookies, caramel apples, cheesy bean and rice burritos.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chicken ... but not always, it's hit and miss.
Have you started to show yet:Yes!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I am pretty emotional and have even less patience than I am already known for.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery all planned out and officially announcing our baby girl's name (looks like it may be a few weeks until we "go public" with it ;)

Ok lovelies. That's all for now. I'm off to my first Blue Moon fundraising event for my friend Al that I won't be able to actually drink the Blue Moon. wish me luck haha. 

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