I'm not super hardcore with the castor oil and all that craziness, but I have been using the stability ball, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, pedicure, acupressure, doing LOTS of squats, going for 2+ mile walks (I got in nearly 18,000 steps yesterday according to FitBit!), eating spicy food, etc. while I've had a few contractions here and there, nothing that has me preparing to speed over to the hospital. Sigh! Oh well.
With our wedding anniversary on May 22, I really didn't want him coming that day. So I didn't really kick up the natural induction attempts until the 23rd and now, I'm getting a tad impatient hahah.
Oh ... I can't remember if last week I talked about my major procrastination on packing, or if that was the week before (dang preggo brain!), but il happy to report my bags are totally packed and ready to go. Yay! And yes, you read that right. I have BAGS! 1 for the delivery room (mostly snacks, electronics, comfy shoes, makeup, resistance band, etc), 1 for my recovery room (clothes, pjs, toiletries, etc) and 1 for Charlie (super small, but first outfit, coming home outfit, some cute threads to wear for visitors, random things from his nursery to keep him from being Ina ms surrounded by generic hospital stuff) and then and overnight bag for Z. I would do a fun "what's in my hospital bags" post, but I'm a chronic overpacked and you'll all think I am nuts. PLUS, I really just scoured Pinterest for reference points, so I know there isn't a shortage of lists available ;)
Well, that's about all there is to say about that this week. I'll be sure to keep you all updated on baby watch. But for now, how about a bump watch?!
How far along: 39 Weeks (Happy Memorial Day!)
Workouts: Made it to 2 Stroller Strides classes again this week and had 1 great at-home workout, plus all the walking. I still taught my 2 classes last week, but tomorrow will be my last class I teach until Charlie is here! Woah! I'm going to miss working out and working out with these ladies while I wait for dr clearance! Luckily, I have a resistance band all ready to go in my hospital bag.
Maternity clothes: Jeans in this photo and a Bella Band for added coverage. Oh and the plaid is too, but ... I totally plan on wearing it well after impose the baby weight. You can't see it well, but it has the cutest lace cut out panel in the back. I'm obsessed. Oh, and of course my trusty compression stockings. Will NOT miss having to wear these!
Sleep: meh, not good, not terrible. I have been sneaking a quick nap in while z does on some days. Usually just 20 minutes, but I think I got a little more than an hour in today. I didn't even realize I was that tired when I went to lay down, but apparently I was.
Best moment this week: Getting Zs laundry all put away (a filled and organized closet is my happy place) and celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary and attending the baby shower firmly good friend (and sorority sister) Kari. She is due with her first (a girl!) on the 22nd of June
- arranged marriage? (But only if she goes Chi O! Kidding ... Kinda!)
Miss Anything: Everything - seriously, #comeoutcharlie!!!!!
Movement: He is starting to run out of room, so much less big movements, but still lots of little ones.
Food cravings: Chocolate milk still and smoothies too. I'm more into lighter fares lately since I'm still not super hungry these days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still not very hungry, ever, but if I don't eat a little something in a semi-frequent basis, I get really nauseau.
Labor Signs: Was 3cm, still, at my last dr appt but 70% this time. So, more progress! Yay! I have been having some cramps and back pains (early labor signs) and a few minute contractions, but still nothing consistent. With his head dropping into position though, holy heck is it really uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) down there. The most accurate description I have found, is that it feels like a horse kicked me in the crotch/pelvic bone. Fun ... Right?!?
Belly Button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: Still off, but j was able to slip in 2 of the 3 rings the other day because I had less swelling.
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been a big old grump! I blame the excruciating back pain.
Looking forward to: Meeting Charlie (and getting shelving for his room - cough cough husband ... Again!!)
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