Family of Four

Family of Four

Monday, November 25, 2013

McKenzie is 8 Months

I have been so bad! I can't believe how behind I am on my blog and updates about McKenzie. I am working on  going fill in each month, with what I can remember. But that will take a bit of time, so I wanted to at least get the current month up. I actually feel like quite a terrible mom for not keeping better track of her milestones and everything. So much changes each month, week even, that I really should have been better about it all, but I have been having too much fun being in the moment with her (and getting some work done too) that I just never made the time. But, I decided if I make it simple enough and just jot down a few of the big things each month I should be more successful. So, let's begin - 8 months, holy cow! When did that happen?

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