I have a sick kid on my hands today, so I am going to keep it short while she naps so I can use the time to do the millions of other things that get put on hold when all your tot wants to do is cuddle on the couch - and hey, who am I to complain, I certainly know that won't last long.
I've started going through Mckenzie's old baby stuff and deciding what needs to be traded/replaced due to pink and glitter galore. It's not a lot (luckily) but enough. My biggest struggle is the furniture situation. She is still in her pretty pink crib and very content there; however, when we picked this nursery furniture it was with the complete intent to reuse it for baby number two. We will need to have the fabric reupholstered now that we know number two is going be a boy of course, but I am still so torn. Do we just opt for a second nursery setup and hope she does stay in there awhile, like we are thinking, or do we force her into a "big girl bed" and fight that battle? On one hand, it will help with my want to day and night potty train at the same time, which is also coming soon, but on the other, she LOVES her crib and bedtime is pretty easy for us right now. Even if she is not ready to go to bed, she will sit in her crib, read a book and eventually fall asleep. With free access to roam her room, I am not sure we will have the same ease, and with a new baby on the way, I can use all the ease I can get.
So ... that's pretty much what's going on in the Mac household. Let's move on to our bump watch - we are down to double digits until baby boy's due date!
October 19, 2004: Boy Meets Girl
July 3, 2009: She Says Yes
May 22, 2010: Happily Ever After Begins
March 22, 2013: Little Miss Z Makes Three
May 28, 2015: With C, Our Family is Complete
Family of Four

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
25 Weeks: Cravings Galore
The week's seem to be rolling by faster and faster these days. I feel like unjust did a bump watch update and here I am again. That said, I don't really have much of a "life as we know it" update this week.
But ... I think we have settled on a name! I like to give it a little time to sit before we make the official announcement, but keep your eyes peeled for an announcement coming soon! I'm pretty excited about it :)
Other than that, the weather in AZ has been absolutely fabulous and we have been spending as many hours soaking up the sun and enjoying the outdoors - sorry east coast friends! I love that she would rather be outdoors running around with friends than home watching tv. This little girl just gets better and better. I'm sure her brother will be just as awesome - fingers crossed.
I do have one more exciting bit of news that involves the arrival of a handsome little boy, but ... I don't know if the parents have shared the news yet via social media so I will leave it at that for now and just say, congrats mom and dad! We are so very happy for you and can't wait to meet him!
I guess I had more to share than I thought - typical me I suppose ;) let's proceed to the bunk watch, shall we?!
How far along: 25 Weeks (and a couple days) - was a slacker (AGAIN) this week
Workouts: Felt much better during Pilates/Yoga this week! Yay! And, I have been much better about going to stroller strides/getting my own workouts in every day this week. I've been trying to get back into a running routine and have definitely noticed a decline in my distance endurance. Need to work on that!
Sleep: According to FitBit, my sleep has been very efficient this week. I haven't been getting up in the middle of the night (yay!) and I toss and turn much less too (double yay!).
Best moment this week: Feeling stronger and better during workouts!
Miss Anything: Being comfortable in pants!
Movement: not s much this week, but I think, because I have been more active, he is more sleepy. he still likes to remind me he's in there with some swift kicks to the bladder from time to time and then he gets some bouts of energy where he just moves non stop.
Food cravings: Apples, milk, girl scout cookies, oranges, s;mores (well really anything with Marshmallows), root beer floats
Anything making you queasy or sick: Water gives me heartburn, so that's awesome.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I just feel wide right now. There is an obvious bump, but I'm expanding equally on all sides - time to work on those love handles some more ;)
Labor Signs: Nope, just standard growing pains.
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and motivated
Looking forward to: Getting some baby boy gear in the house and picking nursery decor.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
24 Weeks: 6 Months In
This week has been pretty standard. Workout, hang with Z, go to the neighborhood park, slowly buy stuff for the baby. We've been taking Zs neighborhood bestie, Elle, with us to the park a little bit this week while her mom (LIz) takes care of little Lucy who is in the hospital with RSV :( It's been a lot of fun watching them run around together and play so nicely. It's such a blessing having someone she gets along with so well practically in our back yard. Hopefully Z gets along as well with baby brother!
Oh! And I completely forget about my Dr. appt this week. Luckily I checked my calendar last night and saw it on there. Man, it seems like the last 4 weeks just FLEW by. One more 4 week appointment (that includes the oh-so-delicious glucose test) then on to bi-weekly appointments. I can't believe we are getting so close to the third trimester already.
Oh! And I completely forget about my Dr. appt this week. Luckily I checked my calendar last night and saw it on there. Man, it seems like the last 4 weeks just FLEW by. One more 4 week appointment (that includes the oh-so-delicious glucose test) then on to bi-weekly appointments. I can't believe we are getting so close to the third trimester already.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
23 Weeks: "I Love You See You Soon"
From the moment we found out we were having a little boy, we have been talking to McKenzie about her baby brother. She just loves giving my belly (which is much easier to find these days haha) hugs and kisses. And she always says "I love you baby brother. See you soon!" It's seriously the cutest. I just hope she is as sweet to him when he's here -- taking her toys and undivided attention. ;) I'm not too concerned about the baby stages (maybe naively) because I have seen how caring and sweet she is to our friend's babies. It's more of the crawling phase that I think will be an issue for her. We shall see.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Super Bowl Workout
With Mac out of town and my current "expecting" status, I decided to keep Super Bowl low key this year and just stay home - especially with kickoff taking place mid nap for Z. But, as I was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels for something to watch before the game, my strategically placed resistance band caught my eye (Best thing I could have done, seriously! Keep an eye out for a future "couch bum workout" post!) and I felt a twinge of guilt. So, I quickly out together an easy and fun workout I could do alongside game play. It turned out to be quite fun and I am so glad I did it! Not only was I able to get a workout in, but I was too busy watching the game for my next workout cue to eat endless munchies and snacks. It was also really fun to know I had a few friends across the country doing it with me! Thanks ladies!
In hindsight, I would have switched the push-ups for squats, by I suppose it was better that way since I really hate push-ups and it forced me to do them ... a lot.
Point is, look for opportunities to incorporate quick, fun workouts into your daily routine. Or, better yet, check back here from time to time because I think I'll start posting more simple workouts like this as it was pretty simple and quite effective!
PS - I'm not a "fan" of either team, so I picked a team for the sake of the workout and it turned out to be the wrong choice. So, my mini me decided to do my grand finale jumping jacks with me. Don't mind the insane outfit (I'd never pair fur with fur!!) - she decided to play dress up in her laundry basket, crazy kid!
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